AVP 2015 Year in review And Other Stuff

Wow, what a year. It has been an amazing year professionally. I’m so thankful for all of my clients for trusting me to document your lives and I’m so thankful to have fallen into (and in love with) shooting stock photography. I started shooting stock photography full force in 2014 and it was the best year ever. Anyway, I don’t feel like getting into all of my achievements and failures from 2015, but I do want to share some things that have been going on in my world lately and some things that have been going on for forever. I’ll spare you the novel here now, but if you care to read about it, please scroll to the bottom to read the rest. WARNING: It might be long.

How did I choose images for a year in review? I have no idea, I just started sifting through my work and I picked images that made me feel something.

Conejo Valley Photographer

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Conejo Valley Photographer

Hey! You made it!! HAHA! Okay here it goes! Some of you may follow me on Facebook and know that my cat “Walter the cat” is pretty much all I post pictures of anymore. Well, it’s not that I have nothing to post, it’s just that I don’t know what to post. You see, I have this problem where I think that my work is mediocre. I don’t hate my work and sometimes I will feel proud of my work, but the pride usually comes from feeling confident that I did my best and produced images that will make my clients happy. When it comes down to it though, I truly think my work sucks. I feel like some people are born with natural talent and others (me) have to work hard to become talented. I (maybe) feel a strong like towards about a dozen images that I’ve taken in my entire life. That’s the sad truth. For a while I thought that my issues with my work were superficial. Perhaps I was comparing myself to other photographers out there. Or maybe my posts on social media didn’t yield the attention that I was hoping for resulting in low self confidence. Then I took a step back and decided that I didn’t like my images because I had seen them before. It’s like being the author of a book. Who has the better experience, the writer or the reader? Wouldn’t you think it’s the reader? Where everything is new and they don’t know how the story will unfold? It’s exciting to be the reader. For the writer, their eyes are tired and they probably never want to lay eyes on the book again. That’s my guess, anyway. My pictures have been looked at by my eyes before. Am I just over them? Could that be it? I don’t know, to be honest, but all I know is that this feeling sucks.

I’m LOST!!! For a few years now I’ve been trying to shoot more documentary. My slogan (if I even have one) is “Document Your Life!” Well, in all honestly, I think only 5% of my images can even pass for documentary. Shooting documentary is easier said than done. It’s really hard to shoot families this way. Not all families can go about their business without direction from me. I’m not an assertive person, so giving direction is super hard for me, but I’ll give it if I have to. Sometimes families seem super comfortable in front of the camera but won’t interact with each other. It’s a struggle I tell you!!! The hardest thing for me is to shoot a family that doesn’t interact or even touch each other much. I’ve had shoots where the parents just stand there and watch their kids play. I don’t want to say “get in there and play with your kids” because that might not be who they are. But what do I do? I can’t just produce images that tell that story because the client will not be happy. So here is where I’m lost. I want to keep doing what I’m doing but I don’t want to keep feeling what I’m feeling. Feelings of inadequacy, of being uninspired, of discontent. It’s ALL ME! Not my clients, ME! I am lost and this isn’t the first time this has happened. I lose my way so often it’s made me want to throw in the towel and crawl into a hole. So what I am trying to figure out right now is how to find my way again which means there are going to be some changes to AVP. I wish I could tell you what they are, but I still haven’t figured it out yet. All I know is that I love my clients, I love shooting stock photography and I love cats.

So, as you can see, I have issues that run deeper than photography. I saw a therapist once a year or so ago and she told me that I was “self deprecating”. I truly like myself, I do, but I have major self worth issues. Charging for photo shoots has been the HARDEST thing for me in this business. I don’t feel like I deserve your money. I have issues with money too. I’ve always had money struggles. I’ve never been taught how to manage money and growing up we didn’t have much money, so charging money for my services feels terrible because I automatically assume that money is sparse in your world too. It wasn’t until I changed my way of thinking and substituted “they are paying me for photography” for “they are paying for my time away from my kids” because my self worth issues can’t touch my kids. Every now and then I let the self worth creep in and it truly makes running this business hard. I spent most of my life punching into a time clock. Such a different feeling and so much easier. I think that is why stock photography has won me over so much. I get paid for my pictures through a third party which makes things so much more comfortable for me.

2015 has been tough for me personally. It really boils down to balance. There is very little, but for the most part, I was managing okay until recently. The mere fact that I was able to make time for this ginormous blog post is such an achievement. Of course there is still a sink full of dishes that will just need to be washed in the morning. So, making time for this has given up time for that, and that’s okay (until I wake up tomorrow, see the mess, and curse myself). Well, I’ve entered that stage of life where my parents are old and sick and need to be cared for. Just before Christmas my dad wasn’t doing well and the doctors didn’t give us much hope. Thankfully he has pulled through but he is still not well. After weeks in the hospital he can finally get up and walk around a bit, but not without effort. It seems like he’s getting stronger everyday, though and that is promising. My mother has been on dialysis for over 5 years. I’ve been driving her there and picking her up 3 times a week. She no longer has a license and I have to take her everywhere. I signed her up for Dial A Ride but, unfortunately her one experience with them was not good for her and she doesn’t seem to give second chances. Anyway, I can go on and on about my mother but what it boils down to is this: I am spending HOURS taking care of my parents and I no longer have time for myself. My days consist of taking care of my children, volunteering at their school, taking care of my parents, taking care of my work/clients, taking care of my not so clean and overly neglected house, and then if there is some energy left, I will watch tv or read a book late at night. I will make time for a run every now and then, but I’m not getting consistent exercise and that just makes me sad. So yes, I AM SAD. I am sad that my Christmas card this year was a crappy Costco one that I threw together in 5 minutes with an image that all of Facebook had seen before because I didn’t have time to take a new image. I am sad that I have personal projects that I want to so very badly start but I can’t find the time. I am sad that I have barely edited any family pictures from 2015 and they are all just sitting on my hard drive collecting dust. I am sad that I have 9 years of photo books of my family pictures to be made and no time to make them. I am sad that I’ve been getting sick a lot with my Crohn’s disease because of stress. I am sad that my parents and in laws are both not doing well. I’m sad that I’ve been wearing a $350 mouth guard at night for 2 years now and my teeth still have sensitivity from all of the grinding and clenching I do while I’m asleep. I AM SAD that I felt the need to write this in a blog post for the world to see (or just my very small audience). I AM SAD and things have got to change.

I’m okay with change. What I’m not okay with is asking for help. I don’t know how to do it. I barely ask my kids for help with anything. They are capable. In the summer I have them do chores and earn an allowance, but during the school year, I just let them focus on school, sports and themselves. Recently it took everything out of me to ask my siblings for help with my parents. They live about an hour or so away. It went over well with one of them at least and I was able to have ONE free day with my family over Christmas break. I felt guilty and that made my free day not so free. Sometimes I get offerings of help from friends but for some reason I have a really hard time accepting help, so I will turn them down. Oh well, just one more thing about ME that I need to fix.

As I begin to nod off here (as I am sure you are too by this boring whine fest) I just need to close with one thing. The most important thing in the world to me is my family. Right now, I feel like I am failing them. My children will talk to me and I will just stare right through them nodding and pretending to listen while I am really just thinking about the million things that I have to do and the million things that I want to do. Sometimes I will just shut them down when they start talking by telling them that I have a lot on my mind and I can’t quite listen to them. I suppose that is fairer than pretending to listen and them believing that I was listening. They are growing so fast and my almost 10 year old will soon become a teenager and I will no longer have this time back to actually listen to what she is telling me. Tonight I made an effort to listen and I was astounded by what an amazing human she is. All it took was a few minutes of listening to realize that. Of course, I thought she was amazing already, but tonight was different. It truly seeped in and I was completely enchanted by her. How sad that I’ve missed hundreds of opportunities to feel this way. Something has got to change and I know that it will have to start with ME.

Thanks for reading!


Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer – The D Family

I was so sad when our baby’s first year with Grayson ended, but I must be the luckiest girl in the world because I had the honor of doing another shoot with him in the fall. It was a foggy morning but it burned off quickly, a gorgeous day overall. Grayson had a fun morning going to the park and then to the pumpkin patch. It became a bit warm out and he was not feeling good in his Halloween costume, but I think his parents will agree that his diaper pictures are the cutest pictures ever! His mood brightened significantly once that costume came off. I love it when things work out that way.
Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Conejo Valley Family Photographer

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Conejo Valley Family Photographer

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Conejo Valley Family Photographer

Thousand Oaks Family Photographer – A Year Documented: Shoot #2 of The Buss Family

This shoot was SO MUCH FUN! My first client shoot in the rain. Actually, I had done one before but it was just a sprinkle, so it doesn’t really count. This was the real deal and it was so great! Nothing makes me happier than when kids are allowed to be kids and Peyton’s reaction to the rain was just adorable. I had expected more puddle jumping, but he was more interested in the water falling from the sky. This first image might be my favorite image that I have ever taken of him.
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Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

Ventura County Family Photographer – A Pasadena Adventure

This is my third time photographing this family. I adore them! These kids are amazing! They are creative, animated, happy, and confident. I am so entertained by them and I have no doubt that they will be famous someday. It may seem like I say that a lot about some of the kids that I photograph, but there is definitely something about these two that is so special. I CAN NOT WAIT to see what they become. Their mom and dad are so unbelievably talented that, it’s not even in question the potential they have for big things in their future. They are also explorers and have traveled to other countries. It’s so inspiring. They have the most amazing parents to not only take them on these amazing adventures, but to also take them to cultural events in their community and art shows. INSPIRING! People, TAKE YOUR KIDS PLACES! They will only benefit from it and so will you. So, that is why I have titled my blog “A Pasadena Adventure”. It may have not been a true adventure the way they know them, but the kids still explored and enjoyed their surroundings and I had the pleasure of documenting it.






















Camarillo Newborn Photographer – Baby Owen

Not too long ago I photographed Owen’s 6 month pictures for his baby’s first year and here I am just getting to blog his newborn shoot. This was new for me to document this little bundle and try to keep the focus on him because I had documented Grace’s first year too. It was challenging at first keep the primary focus on Owen. But, I was happy to also have been able to document Grace in her new role as sister and big sister. She was a little shy at first, but then enjoyed showing how good she was in her new role. What a gorgeous and sweet family! I am so honored to be able to document this time in their lives. Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Newbury Park Lifestyle Photographer – The Sweetest, Happiest Siblings

THIS SHOOT!!! It’s in the record books as one of my most absolute favorite shoots ever! These kids were so amazing! Their mom was so amazing. The location and light AMAZING! What was so great about this shoot was that mom wanted her kids to be photographed organically. As you probably know, that’s what I do. But, even when my clients view my work, they don’t always understand organic. 75% of my clients do, but some don’t and that’s okay. It’s just very refreshing when the kids are allowed to run, explore, play and get dirty at a shoot. But then, not only did these kids give me that, they gave me some adorable posed pictures too. I don’t even remember asking them to, but they did and I couldn’t be happier. Posed pictures are important. They look great on Christmas cards, they are cute, and they make grandma happy. Mr. E was beyond happy the entire time. He was adventurous and animated. I could literally photograph him all day. He really enjoyed being photographed too. Especially while jumping off the swings. I must admit, I could barely hold my camera with my sweaty palms while he was doing those stunts, but it was fun to capture and if mom wasn’t stressed, then I knew that I shouldn’t stress. Little Miss S was equally as amazing. Such a gorgeous girl and so full of sweetness. I love how she held onto her blanket in a bunch of shots. That’s the kind of prop (although not a prop) worth being in pictures. These sibling were so sweet and kind to one another and Mr. E was such a gentleman carrying his mom’s purse at one point. At the end of the shoot there were the most sweetest moments where Little Miss S was picking flowers for her mom and Mr. E was putting flowers in mom’s hair. I melted and died while capturing those moments. This shoot was 100% organic and it was wonderful.

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Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

Angela Valerie Photography

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Angela Valerie Photography

Moorpark Lifestyle Photographer – Grayson at 18 Months

I just love this little dude. He was the smiliest newborn I have ever photographed and getting to document his first year was such an honor. I was lucky enough to get to see him again at 18 months for this shoot and then again in October and even again just recently to document his 2nd birthday party. I hope I don’t have to wait too long before getting to see them again! 😉 This shoot was special because we got to include Grayson’s grandparents in the shoot. I also love how his parents really wanted to document one of Grayson’s favorite pastimes at the shoot: playing with the sink. He got drenched and had a blast. It was so great to document and I am so happy to have been able to capture it all for them.





















Conejo Valley Family Photographer – The G Family

I don’t think I have ever had a shoot with a toddler who was so engaged with the camera. This doll of a child was always getting eye contact with my lens. I was blown away. I love so many pictures from this shoot (hence the large post) and I tried narrowing down to mostly pictures where she wasn’t looking at the camera. She was so happy and so lovable. She fussed twice and OF COURSE I had to include those. She didn’t want to have her tights taken off and she didn’t want to be set on a tree stump. LOVE IT! Her parents were so natural in front of the camera and did such a good job interacting and playing with her. I couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable shoot. I especially love how animated they were with little miss B. Some of the expressions I got make me so happy. Little miss B herself was very expressive too! So cute!
Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Conejo Valley Lifestyle Photographer

Thousand Oaks Family Photographer – A Year Documented: Shoot #1 of The Buss Family

This shoot was from OVER a year ago. I was planning on doing one beefy blog at the end of the year (or in my procrastination: beginning of 2015) with all of my favorites over the year, but there are just too many. I thought “I can just pick my number one favorite from each shoot and have a nice blog post with them.” No way at all possible. I love this family and I love this kid and I just need to blog each one of their shoots. Each one was so special and deserves it’s own blog and story. Here is our January session 2014 at their home and in their amazing backyard.









Ventura County Newborn Photographer – The Sweet New Family

I’m pretty sure newborn shoots are my favorite. I especially love first time parents at newborn shoots. Being a parent is so life changing and I love capturing all of the newness that I can. This shoot came from a referral and I am so thankful that this client chose me to document this time. It can be a very tough decision picking the right photographer since there is only a small window of time when the baby is so very new. There are so many amazing photographers that have studios just for newborns and who put them in hats and baskets and use props. I am not that photographer, but I see the appeal for sure. They make for super cute pictures. This mama was not sure what she liked best, but in the end, she decided that keeping the baby home and including their sweet dog was what she ultimately wanted. Even though I don’t pose babies, I am very willing to let my clients try to do it themselves in their home with their blankets and baskets. We did succeed in getting this little guy to sleep in a basket. I didn’t include the shots because I don’t want to misrepresent the type of photography that I do, but I am so thrilled that we were able to get a little bit of both styles that she was initially torn between.

This baby boy is a super lucky guy. He was two weeks old here and was adopted by these sweet, loving parents. He was so incredibly alert the whole time. He has such gorgeous eyes! He was also very strong and held his head up many times. He was so calm and only fussed once (I included a picture because I love crying pictures too). When he had finally fallen asleep, he had some happy dreams and I got a tiny smile. YAY! Love that! It was a very warm December day and we even got to take him outside for a few shots. It was so great! I hope I get to photograph this family again in the future. There is nothing like getting to see a baby grow through my camera. I just love babies.
Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Ventura County Newborn Photographer