Thousand Oaks Documentary Family Photographer – A Double Baptism

I must admit, I was very nervous to photograph this baptism. The one and only other baptism I photographed was not my best work…then again…it was a long time ago and I have come a long way since then. BUT, it still didn’t help my nerves. My challenges from the first baptism I shot was that there were people crowding around and I couldn’t get in a good enough position to get good shots. Then, it was over. SO QUICK! I also didn’t treat it like an event because it was my niece’s baptism and I had my own kids with me. But, still, the memory of failure sits deep inside. This baptism on the other hand was PERFECT! No crowding and more space. The girls were amazing. Not a whimper out of them and the light was good enough to shoot without flash. I used my flash on a few images (not featured) that I actually liked. But, overall, natural light is what I fancy. The baby was wearing mom’s baptism dress from when she was a baby! How perfect is that? And sentimental. I hope that the girls will pass it down to their girls and so on. So sweet. I don’t think I will be as nervous for the next baptism to come my way. I look forward to it!

Thousand Oaks Family photographer – The C Family

Two months ago I did a portrait party and I am just now getting around to posting it. I really need to get better about posting more promptly. This portrait party was different than most in that it was less party, more mini sessions. That’s OK, and I think everyone still had fun. So, today I will share with you the host’s session from this portrait party. I had the most time to spend with them, so I was able to sneak in a few shots that weren’t posed. While big brother and sister were off playing, baby brother was enjoying the attention from the camera. I couldn’t stop capturing his adorable face. These kids are so sweet and so good. This family loves each other so much and I am very privileged to be able to call them my friends.